Laughing Buddha

Outsiders – Out There Remixes – Part 3 by Sacred Technology Outsiders and friends Here’s the third chapter Including artists, such as, Laughing Buddha, Djantrix, Spirit Architect, Atomizers, Alienatic, Spinal Fusion and Ilai

Beyond The Edge Of Time by Killerwatts While sitting under that Banyan tree questioning the nature of reality as minds fractured and fractalised at the edge of time, Killerwatts clung tightly to some remarkable chunks of tonal excellence that spawned what became their second full length album ‘Edge of Time’.  A number of Moons have… [read more]

To touch the eternal, understand the mysterious and find out who we are! Tristan, Laughing Buddha & Mandala dived into the swirling cosmic soup of self discovery and audio antics to do just this in a rainbow smeared studio, dripping with mojo and good vibes! And what did they find you ask ?  Press play on… [read more]

Come take a trip into Ultra Space with the Laughing Buddha as he unveils his freshly sculpted sounds that boldly demonstrate the magic of this sonic master. Ultra Space is a stellar example of what it means to create a cutting-edge mature musical journey. Starting deep and tripped out to the max and then, just… [read more]

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