Month: February 2020
VA – Transient Nature by Vantara Vichitra Records VA – Transient Nature is compiled by our label DJ Oddicon from Malaysia. This VA is very special to us, as all the artists featured in a VA are exclusive / Core Vantara Vichitra Records artists for the first time. Also for very first time, one of… [read more]
Freedom From Choice by Asimilon After a 7 year long sabbatical, Asimilon has finally got it together to release a new EP : Freedom From Choice is a collection of 5 blasting tracks in his inimitable style; featuring 2 solo tracks and 3 collaborations with Mutaliens, PoEt and Weirdbass, best described with words like funky,… [read more]
Radikal Shaker by MUTALIENS Mutaliens delivers his 4th release on Looney Moon Records. The British producer has reshaked two masterpieces by Radikal Moodz and Dust, dispensing his brainy multilateral point of ear. The result? Out of this world. A cautious listening and precautional tests on party animals are warmly recommended for this EP credits Artwork:… [read more]